
Raspbian docker 设置 lsioarmhf/plex

docker create --name=plex --net=host -e PUID=1000 -e PGID=100 -e TZ=Asia/Kolkata -v /data/PcMac:/config -v /data/PcMac:/data/movies -v /data/PcMac:/data/tvshows -v /data/PcMac:/transcode lsioarmhf/plex

docker create --name=plex --net=host -e PUID=1000 -e PGID=100 -e TZ=Asia/Kolkata lsioarmhf/plex

Pull Plex Docker Image

  • This command will pull the Plex image for Docker.
  1. docker pull lsioarmhf/plex

plex To find PUID PGID type

  • Type ID on the start prompt and you will find UID GID. As shown in the picture below.
  1. id
plex Setup Plex
  • Let’s setup the Plex container with following commands.
  1. docker create \
    >--name=plex \
    >--net=host \
    >-e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000 \
    >-e TZ=Asia/Kolkata \
    >-v /mnt/PcMac:/config \
    >-v /mnt/PcMac:/data/movies \
    >-v /mnt/PcMac:/data/tvshows \
    >-v /mnt/PcMac:/transcode \
plex Start Plex Container
  • Docker start command will going to start the Plex Container.
  1. docker start "Container Name or ID"
plex Accessing Plex Media Server
  • Here server local IP Address is your Raspberry Pi Address.

    create your Raspberry Pi Docker Plex set up. You'll want to specify the folders for your media, which will vary based on your specific configuration:
    docker create \
     --name=plex \
     --net=host \
     -e PUID= -e PGID= \
    :/config \
    -v :/data/tvshows \
    :/data/movies \
    -v :/transcode \
    If you used the aforementioned mount path, use /mnt/Plex media with corresponding movies and TV show folders, your set up will look like:
    docker create \
     --name=plex \
     --net=host \
     -e PUID= -e PGID= \
     -v /mnt/Plex media:/config \
     -v /mnt/Plex media:/data/tvshows \
     -v /mnt/Plex media:/data/movies \
     -v /mnt/Plex media:/transcode \
    Test that everything worked with:
    docker ps -a
    You should see any Docker containers you've got running. If you've got a Plex container, then enter:
    docker start plex
    After that, an output should display which shows your status and uptime for the Docker Plex image. Open a web browser and navigate to [Raspberry Pi IP address]:32400/web. You should see the Plex Media Server configuration screen, where you'll walk through some set up for adding folders, naming your server, and more. 



    在PVE使用虚拟 USB 存储设备 + ARPL 引导 DSM

      部分内容来自: https://blog.myds.cloud/archives/synoboot-usb-image-in-pve-virtual-machine.html 虚拟机建好之后,打开配置文件 nano /etc/pve/qemu-server/100.conf ...