
nvidia 修改风扇转速方法

转自 https://github.com/andyljones/coolgpus 

./pip install wheel
pip install coolgpus
sudo $(which coolgpus) --speed 99 99

If you hear your server take off, it works! Now interrupt it and re-run either with Sensible Defaults (TM),

sudo $(which coolgpus)

or you can pass your own fan curve with

sudo $(which coolgpus) --temp 17 84 --speed 15 99 

This will make the fan speed increase linearly from 15% at <17C to 99% at >84C. You can also increase --hyst if you want to smooth out oscillations, at the cost of the fans possibly going faster than they need to.

Piecewise Linear Control

More generally, you can list any sequence of (increasing!) temperatures and speeds, and they'll be linearly interpolated:

sudo $(which coolgpus) --temp 20 55 80 --speed 5 30 99

Now the fan speed will be 5% at <20C, then increase linearly to 30% up to 55C, then again linearly to 99% up to 80C.


If your system uses systemd and you want to run this as a service, create a systemd unit file at /etc/systemd/system/coolgpus.service as per this template:

Description=Headless GPU Fan Control

ExecStart=/home/ajones/conda/bin/coolgpus --kill 
ExecStop=/bin/kill -2 $MAINPID


You just need to sub in your own install location (which you can find with which coolgpus), and any flags you want. Then enable and start it with

sudo systemctl enable coolgpus
sudo systemctl start coolgpus



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